viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

Strawbale Workshop


At Mas la Llum, a self‐reliance project, consists in a cottage for shared accomodation, a small camping area, a space for water retention and treatment, a vegetable garden, and a little area for domestic animals
In the Bernarda’s Valley, Arens de Lledó, Matarraña, Teruel. Near the Natural Park of Puertos de Beceite;where you can go hiking, climbing, caving and practise other activities.


Workshop 1: 26th September – 8th October 2011
Workshop 2: 17th October – 29th October 2011

We will build 290 m2 with straw bales. It is going to be the cottage for shared accommodation in an area of 22,410 m2. We will build with load‐bearing straw bales (Nebraska style) and non load‐bearing straw bales. The plaster will be made with earth and lime.


The workshop is mainly practical supported with some lectures of theoretical sessions.
They are also planed talks, and/or films of similar topics.
We will work in groups, guided by the workshop organizers
Saturday evening and Sunday are spare time.

You, with who we expect to make up a 20 participants team for each worhshop.
We, who want to share with you our motivation in building with natural materials.
We are:

Emma Ribalta: with previous experience in strawbale building with Gernot Minke, and Permaculture certificate with Richard Wade and Inés Sánchez (Instituto Montsant)

Pía Alejandra: environmental architect, specialized in natural building, with previous experience in cane and bamboo; and earth and strawbales training with Gernot Minke. (www.pia‐

Catarina Pinto: architect specialized in restoration and environmental solutions; with previous experience in earth, cane and bamboo and strawbale training with Gernot Minke, Amazonails and Andrew Morrison. (

how much?
350 € each workshop (camp included, food no included)
550 € both workshops (camp included, food no included)

Food per each workshop is 200 € (veggie meals: breakfast, coffee/tea break, lunch, coffee/tea break, dinner).
The toilet is a compost one.
It is also possible to sleep at the Arens’ hostel for 20€ daily.

Send to us an e‐mail to to ask for the preregistration form.

To clear up any doubt or to further information:

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